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Shriyansh Bhandari’s Greensole attempts to reduce the burden

We have seen innovative prototypes ranging from alternative fibers, efficient waste management systems to using big data to decode consumer demand for fashion. For a billion-dollar industry, fashion and textile companies play a huge role in our economy, but apart from the generating revenue, the industry is also responsible for emitting 1.

So, we also have another technology where a retailer or a brand can upload a picture of any product which they are planning to bank on for the future season and Stylumia can predict what is going to be the sale percentage of the product,” says Ganesh. The panel was a mix of experts from different backgrounds, from homegrown establishments like Aasha Impact to global brands like H&M ningbo east longitude plush Co:Lab. Providing an innovative solution to solve the demand and supply paradox, Ganesh Subramanian came up with an AI technology, which studies various factors to predict the demand of a particular garment in order to save companies from under or overproducing.India’s first investment readiness program and pitch event for sustainable and circular fashion entrepreneurs, five shortlisted innovators got a chance to pitch their brand and business model to the jury.. For instance, Shikha Shah’s Canva Fibre Labs is an initiative to create hemp fabric from agricultural waste.Jaspreet Chandok, Vice President and Head of Fashion at IMG Reliance said, “This is the first edition of the Circular Changemakers program which aims to evolve mindsets, create conversations and support circular fashion enterprises through strategic collaborations and investments. “Globally, there are billion-dollar companies like Alward and Toms which are selling footwear from natural material but there is no such company in India and that’s where we want to come in,” says Shriyansh.India’s first investment readiness program for sustainable and circular fashion entrepreneurs was held at the Lakme Fashion Week. The participants were grilled by the jury who asked about their business module, revenue prediction, dealing with competitors along with other technical questions.2 billion tons of greenhouse gasses annually, according to a report by Quantis, apart from the massive carbon footprint they generate.

Although this fiber already exists, according to Shikha, they are five times higher than the غير مجاز مي باشدt of cotton and not compatible with present machinery, and she plans to solve all those problems with her fabric.”Innovative ideas like creating sustainable textiles from agriculture waste to recycling shoes or coming up with an AI system that predicts the market demand to reduce leftover garments, amongst others, were presented at the event. The company is also planning to tie up with corporate and government to source and provide recycled shoes.A lot of attention goes into finding the right, sustainable material, reducing carbon footprint during production and also reducing waste production, but if the final product doesn’t sell, all this hard work goes to waste.

On the other hand, Shriyansh Bhandari’s Greensole attempts to reduce the burden of landfills and recycling used, rejected and unsold shoes to create new ones. The panel was a mix of experts from different backgrounds, from homegrown establishments like Aasha Impact to global brands like H&M Co:Lab. The jury was visibly impressed with the pitches by the young innovators but they didn’t let them off easily. We’re extremely excited for our changemakers to pitch their models which will help them build their prototypes into sustainable solutions. Sustainability is considered as the norm of the future, and to provide a platform to upcoming brands with innovative solutions, Lakme Fashion Week partnered with R Elan’s Fashion For Earth and UN Environment to launch Circular Changemakers Showcase. “Just because we are unsure of the product, we either overproduce or under produce

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The activist-cum-mountaineer believes in leading

“I wanted to tell people that if I can do while carrying out such a strenuous task, they can too..The aim of this march was to create awareness about veganism and demand justice for animals. The demands to the government were granting personhood status to all animals, including animal rights in school curricula and revamping the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. The city on Sunday woke up to a new way of living as people from various walks of life marched on to show the city a more merciful way to live. Speciesism is a form of discrimination, China wholesale east longitude group which involves treating members of one species as morally more important than members of other species.

The event also focused on "speciesism".e. by not consuming any animal products, and boycotting غير مجاز مي باشدmetics and other products tested on animals, opting for fashion free from animal skin and fur and not visiting animal circuses, zoos and adopting pets over buying pets. So the event represented all animals, which include farm animals as well, who are the most abused beings on the planet.Many activists wore masks of animals as well. Plant-based diets can provide all the strength one needs,” she explains. Speciesism is a form of discrimination, which involves treating members of one species as morally more important than members of other species.

"It's possible for anyone to be vegan these days and I felt obliged to do it when I thought from a victims perspective" said Amjor, one of the organisers of Vegan India Movement. Bahl, addressing the attendees about the perks of being a vegan.In a bid to save the planet and bring about equality, a number of people came out in the city recently to speak up against animal cruelty.By chanting slogans on animal rights, the participants encouraged masses to think about speciesism and withdraw from animal exploitation by adopting a vegan lifestyle i. More than 400 people participated in the Delhi's march from various north Indian cities like Chandigarh, Bhagalpur, Bhopal, Jammu, and Agra.The activists rallied on to prove that the future is vegan. Abstaining from consuming meat, egg honey and dairy which involves use and exploitation of animalsThe rally was kick started with a vegan activist and the oldest women Everester in India, Sangeeta S.

The activist-cum-mountaineer believes in leading by example instead of simply preaching. Veganism lifestyle requires on to follow a plant-based diet. “I have been in touch with a lot of activists and since I am an animal lover, I believe that animals have a right to live. They reiterated that all the animals have a basic right to live free from use, exploitation, abuse and cruelty for food, clothing, experiments, entertainment or any other purpose.Speaking about the ease of adopting a vegan lifestyle, Bahl talked about the plenty of Vegan alternatives available in the market. He called the experience a great one as he believes that the number of people coming out to support the cause has seen a spike over the years. So, I wanted to share my story with them,” says Bahl.The event also focused on "speciesism". As a part of the Vegan India Movement, animal rights activists gathered in hundreds and marched from Mandi House to Jantar Mantar

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A paper detailing the work has been chosen

They performed multiple user studies in both controlled and natural settings and showed that they can extract heartbeat peaks with high accuracy, breathing rate with less than one beat per minute error, and perfectly predict sleep posture. (Photo: ANI) Washington: With unobtrusive, portable devices for monitoring respiratory rhythm and heart rate during sleep expected to come up in future, scientists have developed physiological-sensing textiles that can be made into sleep garments which they have named &ningbo east longitude plush39;pyjamas'. They realised that there is no existing fabric-based method to sense continuous and dynamic changes in pressure, particularly given the small signals that they needed to measure.Researchers introduce 'pyjamas' to monitor your # health as you sleep.

Researchers explained that their team had to come up with several new ideas to make their vision a reality. Andrew. Zohreh Homayounfar, with their professors Trisha L.Graduate students Ali Kiaghadi and S.So they designed a new fabric-based pressure sensor and combined that with a triboelectric sensor -- one activated by a change in physical contact -- to develop a distributed sensor suite that could be integrated into loose-fitting clothing like pyjamas. The authors reported that this combination allowed them to detect physiological signals across many different postures.

"The difficulty is that these signals can be individually unreliable, particularly in loose-fitting clothing, but signals from many sensors placed across different parts of the body can be intelligently combined to get a more accurate composite reading.."Such pressured regions of the textile are potential locations where we can measure ballistic movements caused by heartbeats and breathing," he explained, "and these can be used to extract physiological variables. "Generally, people assume that smart textiles refer to tightly worn clothing that has various sensors embedded in it for measuring physiological and physical signals, but this is clearly not a solution for everyday clothing and, in particular, sleepwear," explained Professors Trisha L.

This includes pressure exerted by the torso against a chair or bed, pressure when the armrests on the side of the body while sleeping, and light pressure from a blanket over the sleepwear," Ganesan added. Andrew, a materials chemist, and computer scientist Deepak Ganesan, introduced their health-monitoring sleepwear at the Ubicomp 2019 conference in London, UK.A paper detailing the work has been chosen for publication in the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT). The team also developed data analytics to fuse signals from many points that took into account the quality of the signal coming in from each location.The team also developed data analytics to fuse signals from many points that took into account the quality of the signal coming in from each location."Our insight was that even though sleepwear is worn loosely, there are several parts of such a textile that are pressed against the body due to our posture and contact with external surfaces

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Researchers sampled marine mammals for phocine distemper

Phocine distemper virus (PDV), a pathogen responsible for killing thousands of European harbour seals in the North Atlantic in 2002, was identified in northern sea otters in Alaska in 2004, raising questions about when and how the virus reached faux fur fabric manufacturers them.Arctic Ocean sea ice and open water routes were assessed from the North Atlantic to North Pacific oceans. Sampled mammals included ice-associated seals, northern fur seals, Steller sea lions and northern sea otters from Southeast Alaska to Russia along the Aleutian Islands and the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas."The loss of sea ice is leading marine wildlife to seek and forage in new habitats and removing that physical barrier, allowing for new pathways for them to move," said corresponding author Tracey Goldstein, associate director of the One Health Institute at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.

"As animals move and come in contact with other species, they carry opportunities to introduce and transmit new infectious disease, with potentially devastating impacts," added Tracey Goldstein. Researchers sampled marine mammals for phocine distemper virus exposure and infection from 2001-2016. Arctic Ocean sea ice and open water routes were assessed from the North Atlantic to North Pacific oceans.The authors identified widespread infection and exposure to the virus across the North Pacific Ocean beginning in 2003, with the second peak of exposure and infection in 2009. Satellite telemetry data helped the researchers link animal movement and risk factor data to demonstrate that exposed animals have the potential to carry phocine distemper virus long distances.

The 15-year study, published in the journal -- Scientific Reports -- highlights how the radical reshaping of historic sea ice may have opened pathways for the contact between the Arctic and sub-Arctic seas that were previously impossible."This study highlights the need to understand PDV transmission and the potential for outbreaks in sensitive species within this rapidly changing environment," added Elizabeth VanWorme. (Photo: ANI) Washington: Decline of ice in the Arctic sea can lead to the emergence of a deadly virus that could threaten marine life in the North Pacific, says a recent study."As sea ice continues its melting trend, the opportunities for this virus and other pathogens to cross between North Atlantic and North Pacific marine mammals may become more common," said first author Elizabeth VanWormer, a postdoctoral researcher at UC Davis during the study and currently an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. This allowed for the virus' introduction into the Northern Pacific Ocean.Studies reveal that melting Arctic sea ice linked to emergence of deadly virus. These peaks coincided with reductions in Arctic sea ice extent

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It’s a common phenomenon here

The ATM machine had developed a technical problem due to which it took long for us to rectify it. To add to their misery, people who were waiting in line for hours to withdraw cash from the Green Park branch ATM kiosk of Central Bank of India, alleged that the officials who had come to fill the cash in the machine abused the privilege of having an access to the ATM and withdrew money using 8-10 cards. He alleged that it’s a routine for the officials — who claim that they have come to fill the cash — withdraw money first and then make it accessible for public. “I have been waiting in the queue for almost 40 minutes to withdraw cash. The salaried class and households anxiously awaited their turn outside banks and ATM kiosks.

As people stand in queue to withdraw cash, a group of four to five persons enter the ATM kiosks on the pretext of filling cash.. But, as the cash van came and cash security officials entered the ATM kiosk to fill the cash, an on-duty police constable barged inside the ATM kiosk and withdrew cash while people queued in line continued to await their turn,” pointed Akash Gupta, who works in a multinational in Noida. But, we only get to use the machine after the officials who come to fill it swipe as many as 5 to 6 cards, withdraw cash, and only then open the shutters for us. Today being a holiday for me, I thought the volume might have dipped and I will be able to withdraw money.The story was no different in China wholesale silicone rubber areas like Paharganj where the crowd had swelled to withdraw cash but they had to wait for their turn as the men in khaki uniforms were allegedly swiping their debit cards to withdraw cash.”

Another resident of Hauz Khas, who had come to withdraw cash, aired similar complains.”When this correspondent questioned the officials of withdrawing cash and causing inconvenience to public, they refuted the claims and said, “The ATM machine had developed a technical problem due to which it took long for us to rectify it. Now, it is functioning properly and people can withdraw cash,” said one of the officials, who refused to be named and walked out hurriedly.“It’s a common phenomenon here. They then draw shutters and withdraw cash. For Amit (name changed), who works in the National Stock Exchange office in Green Park, is not new to come across a situation like this. Mukesh, who claimed that this has been continuing for the last few days, claimed: “As the news about the ATM dispensing cash spread, people queue up to withdraw money. (Representational image) New Delhi: Disappointment, anger and helplessness continued to hang in the air on the third day of payday in the city on Saturday morning

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The washable blankets will be used in a few selected

Passengers in sleeper class coaches can buy takeaway bedroll kits at stations or order online at the time of Blue Panax Denax Beach Wool faux fur fabric buying tickets. National Institute of Fashion Technology has designed the fabric of the blanket, a mix of wool and cotton, which can withstand daily wash. Representational Image. Railways recently introduced e-bedroll facility to enable passengers opt for bedroll while booking tickets online.

Passengers prefer coloured bedroll to the all-white, according to a survey on passenger preferences, he said. Besides, the interiors of the coaches are also being modified to match the colour of curtains and bedsheets. New Delhi: Smelly blankets may soon become a thing of past on trains, with the railways deciding to wash them after every use. Currently only passengers travelling in AC coaches have free bedroll facility. "Since there were complaints about blankets, we have tried to address the issue. It is not only blanket but the entire bedroll has been redesigned with new colour combination by the NIFT.

We have approved the NIFT-designed washable blanket. As per the plan, newly designed lightweight blankets made of soft fabric will replace the existing ones and these will be washed after every use, a first in railways. The washable blankets will be used in a few selected premier trains to begin with and later more trains will be covered. Railways has also undertaken steps to set up state-of-the-art mechanised laundries at many stations to cater to the increased requirement of daily washing of bedrolls, including blankets. The washable blankets will be used in a few selected premier trains to begin with and later more trains will be covered," said the official. "We are procuring blankets designed by NIFT which can be washed after every use and still last longer," said a senior Railway Ministry official. So the bed sheet and pillow cover are all going to sport a new look..The washable blankets will be used in a few selected premier trains to begin with and later more trains will be covered. Together, these can be purchased for Rs 250. Currently blankets are washed only periodically--once or twice a month. The transport behemoth will charge Rs 140 for two bedsheets and a pillow and Rs 110 for a blanket

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi was addressing

“UDF and LDF are two sides of the same old coin. The Prime Minister said that the conduct of the state government on Sabarimala issue “will go down in history as one of the most shameful behaviour by any party and government.PM Modi also accused UDF and LDF of damaging state’s cultural fabric terming them as “two sides of the same coin”.“…they say one thing in Parliament but a different thing in Pathanamthitta. Different in name, but in corruption, casteism and communalism, they faux fur fabric manufacturers are the same. Different in name, but in political violence, they are the same,” he said.”“We knew that communists do not respect Indian history, culture and spirituality but nobody imagined that they will have such hatred,” PM Modi added.

“Left and Congress make tall claims about respect to gender justice and social justice but their actions are exactly the opposite.'We knew communists don't respect Indian history, culture but nobody imagined that they will have such hatred, PM Modi said.Addressing a rally in Kollam, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also targeted the Left and Congress saying that while these parties talk about gender justice their actions are different from their words.. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was addressing a rally in Kollam in Kerala. Our stand on this issue has always been clear. (Photo: Twitter | ANI) Kollam (Kerala): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday came down heavily upon the ruling LDF government in Kerala over its handling of Sabarimala issue. And, the actions of our party match our words on Sabarimala,” he said. Different in name, but in damaging Kerala's cultural fabric, they are the same. NDA Government has been working towards abolishing Triple Talaq.

The Prime Minister, who was in Kollam today for the launch of two projects, also claimed that Congress-led UDF is “no better” and accused it of taking “multiple” stands. Who is opposing us on this? Communists and the Congress,” he said

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